Wizbe Industries can provide research and development capabilities within material science and mechanical engineering.We provide smart, sensible, affordable solutions.
Wizbe Industries (Manchester, Maine), is a company focused on developing unique solutions to Materials development and engineering opportunities. Wizbe Industries has been developing unique materials and composite design applications for the past 20 years including a solar powered pump for small boats, lowering device using non-Newtonian Fluids, research on photovoltaic textiles, in-situ air controls for ram air canopies, reusable biodegradable molding rubber (ComposiMold.com), eco-friendly fishing bait (Ecoluremaker.com).
Other work includes SBIR/BAA proposal writing, and industrial consulting work for research and development. Industrial consultant work consists of product development, textile evaluations, and research support.
Wizbe Industries provides the following services to you:
•Biodegradable polymer development
•Product and Prototype Development
•Composite and Molding Small Scale Manufacturing
• Innovative uses for Kite and Parachute Directional Control
Stan, President of Wizbe Industries, has worked and/or managed many different projects including carbon/carbon heat shield development work for atmospheric reentry vehicles, carbon xerogel and carbon foam material development, blast and ballistic protection materials for personnel protection and aircraft structural supports, fire resistant fiber development, and many other projects. Wizbe Industries has been successful with previous SBIRs and internal research and development to production.
We're at the forefront of ever-changing product development and materials including composites and bio-polymers solutions.
Wizbe Industries